Sperry was born of one man's refusal to let slippery ship decks stand in the way of his passion for the open sea. To wear these timeless and durable shoes is to refuse to wait for life and to instead seize the possibility of what could be- to find joy in discovering what's around every corner, around every bend, and after every wave.
Bring on the boat shoes! The Gold Cup Edition Harpswell One Eye Driver features anti-shock and vibration technology for next-level comfort all-day. Versatile and classic, this slip-on pair goes well with chinos or shorts, button-downs or polos, for any and all occasions.
- Driving moccasin silhouette
- Built-in anti-shock and vibration technology
- Non-marking padded outsole
- Material: Full-Grain Leather (upper), Rich Lambskin (lining), Rubber (outsole)